


Location condition

巴黎是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一。地处法国北部,塞纳河西岸,距河口(英吉利海峡)375公里。塞纳河蜿蜒穿过城市,形成两座河心岛(斯德和圣路易)。大巴黎地区还包括分布在巴黎城墙周围、由同巴黎连成一片的市区组成的上塞纳省、瓦勒德马恩省和塞纳-圣但尼省。巴黎市、上述三个省以及伊夫林省、瓦勒德瓦兹省、塞纳-马恩省和埃松省共同组成大区。这片地区在古代就已经被称作“法兰西岛”(ile de France)。

Paris is the largest city on the continent, and one of the most prosperous cities in the world. Located in the northern part of France, Senna West Bank, from the mouth (English Channel) 375 km. Seine River winds through the city, the formation of two islands in the middle of the river (st). The Paris region also includes distribution in the walls around Paris and from Paris with connected into a piece of urban consisting of hauts de Seine Province, Val de Marne, and Seine Saint Denis province. Paris City, the three province, Evelyn Province, val-d'oise Province, Senna - Marne and Essonne composed of large area. This area has been called "ile" (de France) in ancient times in ancient China.


Climate environment


The city itself squat central Paris basin, is a temperate maritime climate, summer without heat, not cold in winter; the January erage temperature 3 degrees, July erage temperature of 18 degrees, annual erage temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Annual rainfall distribution balance, summer and autumn a little more, the erage annual rainfall of 619 mm.


Beautiful scenery, long history, and so on



孚日山脉(Les Vosges)、如拉山脉(le Jura)、阿尔卑斯山脉(les Alpes)、中央高原(le Massif central)以及比利牛斯山脉(les Pyrénées)每到冬季就形成了一个巨大的天然滑雪场。世界上最宽阔的滑雪道就位于法国的萨瓦省(Soie)。

到了夏季, 则是出游踏青的绝好季节:法国拥有180000公里长的蜿蜒小路, 长达45000公里的山地自行车赛车道以及“via ferrata”这种登山设施深受大自然爱好者的喜爱。
